What’s new

DQSD was my most used productivity tool up until circa 2010.  Even back then people seemed to use goggle rather than bookmarks but for any websites you search frequently / login too, but dqsd is a must in my book.

Back then if I used a computer without it my productivity decreased, simple as that.

But writing in 2018, if DQSD was still an active project I would still use it, I loved it so much. I guess the power of google, the Chrome Omnibox (the address bar combined with the google search box, right click the address bar and select edit search engine to see/add/edit the keywords for websites you can search from the omninbox) and also the convenience of smartphones have replaced a lot of the reasons DQSD existed.

Presswindows key+s to make the search bar active and off you went. Beyond the out of the box fuyou can find additional searches by other users here. Here are some searches/logins I added for it in the Naughties as well as some faq additions.

FAQ | Indispensable searches | Tips | Website logins | Website logins – technical | Searches UK | Logins UK | Broken | DQSD Standard Searches

FAQ extra

Q. DQSD installs itself in C:\Program Files\Quick Search Deskbar without the option to change this which I find objectionable. How can I move DQSD from the default Quick Search Toolbar directory in my Program Files location to another location of my choice?

A. Follow these steps:

  1. It’s always a good idea to backup up local*.* [localsearches / localaliases / localprefs] first.
  2. There are a number of utilities available for use in moving programs, these change all relevant references in the registry, etc. Possibly the most robust is Application Mover, which is shareware. This application also does the moving for you. However it can be achieved using a freeware program called COA2.
  3. Open a command prompt window in this new location and type : regsvr32 DQSDTools.dll

Indispensable searches

  • gg Search google – the default search
  • yy Login to yahoo
  • pp Login to paypal
  • amaz Amazon search – see tip below for Amazon.co.uk
  • ebay Ebay search – see tip below for ebay.co.uk
  • wik Lookup in wikipedia
  • imdb Lookup imdb
  • ths Lookup thesaurus
  • tn Search technorati
  • crit Search metacritic
  • curr Lookup currency conversion site xe (see tip below)
  • af Lookup acronymn finder
  • dic Lookup dictionary
  • qsfreq See what searches you use most often


Here are some things you can add to your localaliases file:

  • To make ebay work for ebay uk add ebay|ebayuk %s
  • To make amaz work for amazon uk add amaz|amaz /domain:uk %s
    • Convert Sterling to Euro : xese|curr /from:gbp /to:eur %s
    • Convert Euro to Sterling : xees|curr /from:eur /to:gbp %s
    • Convert US Dollars to Sterling : xeus|curr /from:usd /to:gbp %s
    • Convert Sterling to US Dollars : xesu|curr /from:gbp /to:usd %s
    • Convert US Dollars to Euro : xeue|curr /from:usd /to:eur %s
    • Convert Euro to US Dollars : xeeu|curr /from:eur /to:usd %s
  • Search alt.comp.freeware : ggf|gg %s /groups group:alt.comp.freeware* -group:comp.software.shareware.* -group:alt.comp.shareware
  • Check 1st gmail account : gm1|gmail gm1id (see this page for gmail login)
  • Check 2nd gmail account : gm2|gmail gm2id
  • Try typing a letter in the search bar and then F8, doing so repeatedly will cycle through all your choices with that letter or word.
  • Monty’s utility to disable searches never used, helps system startup time.

Website logins

I do not like saving logins on my computer and if you clear cookies you will have to relog to sites anyway. These website logins use id definitions added to your localprefs.js, like in the yy & pp “searches”. These logins really come into there own when you have multiple logins, like for maybe Gmail,Google reader, etc.

google note

Login Outline
GMail Check GMail email
Google groups Login to Google groups (Uses the same localprefs.js id as for gmail)
Google calendar Login to the highly recommended Google calendar (Uses the same localprefs.js id as for gmail). You can create as many colour coded calendars as you like and share them with others.
Google reader Login to Google reader (Uses the same localprefs.js id as for gmail). I used to use Bloxor to read all my RSS feeds but this went down, I briefly flirted with Bloglines (here’s a login) before becoming very impressed with Google Reader, it’s a very efficient reader and has some good keyboard shortcuts). Import your opml blogroll from another reader and give it a go.
Google docs Login to Google docs (Uses the same localprefs.js id as for gmail).
Flickr Login to Flickr. btw, to download all the picture from a pictureset use FlickrDown.
WatchThatPage Login to WatchThatPage. This is an excellent resource to keep an eye on certain websites without having to check them yourself. One of the things I use it for is to watch the tour pages of band I want to see – I get an email when they are updated 🙂
Wikipedia Login to Wikipedia
YouTube Login to YouTube
Commentful Login to commentful. Really great site if you want to track a comment thread on a blog or what not. Login occasionally and you can check if any comments have been added. Updated 16 April 09: co.mments.com was shut down recently and this login has been changed to use BlogFlux’s commentful.
FaceBook Login to FaceBook.
LibraryThing Login to LibraryThing.
Simple GTD Login to Simple GTD.
Mail.com Check Mail.com email
Tweeto Login to Tweeto. A promising web based GTD.
Powerset Nice search site for wikipedia – Powerset.
Joe’s Goals Login to Joe’s Goals

Website logins – Technical

Login Outline
TaskFreak! Login to TaskFreak! forums. I’ve checked out a lot of todo list managers and I like this one. You need access to php/mysql at your isp or home server; my (uk based) isp allows one to install php/mysql apps on your own web space – very cool.
SourceForge Login to SourceForge
dotProject Login to dotProject forums
Tech Tips Login to Tech Tips forums
MozillaZine Login to MozillaZine forums
Mozilla Extensions mirror Login to Extensions mirror forum
Firefox Add-ons Login to Firefox Add-ons
Skype forums Login to Skype forums

Delphi specific

TMS Software Login to TMS Software
Soft Gems forum login Login to Soft Gems

UK Specific

Search Outline
vue Information for Vue Cinemas in the UK
virginm For Virgin UK mobile phone network, check picture messages sent to non picture message phone
Oodle The search engine for local classifieds in the UK

Website logins

Search Outline
Plus.Net Check Plus.Net email
Love Film Login to Love Film. This is a UK dvd rental company.
cdwow Login to this UK site for purchasing CDs, DVDs, Games

If you have any problems / suggestions with the above searches /logins get in touch on dqsdemail.


These searches are not working and I don’t know why. If you feel like having a play with them, go for it and let me know how you get on. The dqsd mailing list is very useful for learning more.

Plaxo Login to Plaxo
Experts Exchange Login to Experts Exchange forums. This does not seem to pass the logon page.
Btinternet email Check UK based btinternet email
MyEbay UK Login to Ebay UK


I have provided some basic searches for the indispensable dqsd over the years, the ones I have been involved in are :

Search Outline
dseek Search the DownSeek software search engine
webopedia Seach the webopedia for technical terms and links
bn Search the Borland Newsgroup Database
crit Search metacritic for a review
js Search Jobserve, a European specialist job search site
fd Free On-Line dictionary of computing
fe Lookup the meaning of Windows/DOS file extensions
tw Search the TechWeb Encyclopedia
tm Teoma search using Subject Specific Popularity
whatis Definitions for IT-related words
whitl Search the web using WhittleBit
uktv UK Television guide
ukjrny UK Public transport Journey Planner
snip SnipURL – Snippetty snip snip with your long URLs!
Wikitionary A collaborative project to produce a free multilingual dictionary in every language, with definitions, etymologies, pronunciations and quotations.
Clusty Clusty the clustering engine
WikiSeek A better search for Wikipedia
Wize Product rankings based on collected reviews
DHL Track DHL packages by Airwaybill numbers
Scribd Share documents online
Twitter search Search the tweetasphere
Thesaurus Lookup Thesaurus.com