This post updated 23 March 2010
- Install Winamp
- Install Tara plugin. Ensure “Process audio though Winamp” is unchecked in Preferences | Plug-ins | Input | Tara Audio Video Plugin. [Test: Is this still needed?]
- Install Real Alternative
- If your primary sound driver changes, e.g. you plug your laptop into and external sound card, I have found that you may need to reconfigure the driver in Preferences | Plug-ins | Output | Nullsoft DirectSound Output | Device & select the sound driver from the first drop down.
- Open the BBC Player and select the show you are interested in
- Hover over the show and right click to copy the link address, it is in the form<Programme ID>/<stream name>
- Put the <Programme ID> into the superb iPlayer PID Convertor to give you the BBC .ram
- Experimental show with Mary Ann Hobbs
- Worldwide show with Giles Peterson
- Leftfield show with Rob da bank
- Drum and Bass Show with Fabio and Grooverider
- If you wish to organise your bookmarks, e.g. have the above under a BBC category, I recommend ML Bookmark Categoriser. Bookmarks that are shown in the Bookmarks view in the Media Library are stored in the %Appdata%\Winamp\ file. You can open that file in Notepad and copy+paste the contents into another file.
- Listening to streams, especially the above 2 hour BBC shows, might not be convenient in one sitting. You can use the Amarok plugin to bookmark the position in the stream – indeed multiple positions of desired.
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